Old Radio Shows

The Blackness of Terror (A Story from The Hermit’s Cave)

The Blackness of Terror tells of the strange events that happen to a young lady named Marline. She and her father have always been close. Her mother left them when Marline was just eight years old, and from that day on she and her father only had each other. Then, when she was 21 years old, Paul Wilde walked into her life. Her father did not approve of Paul, but it was a case of love at first sight and when they could not talk her father around Marline and Paul ran away together and got married. Then one day she gets a telegram, informing her that her father is seriously ill and she rushes to be at his side.

When she arrives at Blue Acres Marline finds her father is a changed man. He has taken to his bed, his eyes have a haunted look in them, and Marline is convinced that he can see something at his bedside that she cannot. Then she notices that the covers on the bed are moving, but her father is not touching them. Mysterious forces are at work and when Marline and Paul discover the source of these forces things will never be the same again.

The Hermit’s Cave: The Blackness of Terror

(Listen to the Full Episode)