Movie Reviews

Guys at Parties Like It (2024) Indie Film Review

Guys at Parties Like It (2024)Guys at Parties Like It! Like what, booze, drugs, or sex? You don’t have to get far into the film to discover it seems to be all of these things. It’s hard to tell if the producers were trying to shock viewers or impress them. Either way, the cheap thrills don’t work and much about the film is wrong. It’s hard to identify with or care about any of the characters and Guys at Parties Like It is further hindered by a weak plot.

Having said that, the special effects are good so any wounds inflicted are convincing and there’s always enough happening to prevent the film from becoming dull or boring.

As the name suggests, the story revolves around events that happen at a party. It’s a frat party where several of the new pledges have been set the task of losing their virginity as part of a hazing ceremony. This is an old trope that has been done many times before. Unfortunately, Guys at Parties Like It doesn’t add anything new or worthwhile.

Most of the action revolves around a sorority sister named Mary (Monica Garcia Bradley). She is generally considered an easy lay and, for that reason, becomes the target of a pledge named Brad (Anthony Notarile).

Mary initially responds well to Brad’s advances and as part of a truth-or-dare challenge agrees to go upstairs with him. However, Brad comes on too fast and too strong, causing Mary to ask him to back off and slow things down.

Brad does as Mary asks and then goes downstairs to get her a drink. Acting on the advice of senior frat member Tony (Pablo Samstrom), who is like an older brother to him, Brad returns with a drink containing a date-rape drug and tries to force himself on Mary, who fights back and scratches his face. Unfortunately, when Mary tries to escape, she finds the door to the upper floor is locked and ends up playing a deadly game of cat and mouse with Brad and Tony,

Tony is a nasty piece of work who is willing to go to any lengths necessary to ensure Brad completes his task and to keep Mary quiet. Meanwhile, sorority sister Trixie (Jacqueline O’Kelly), has become concerned for Mary’s welfare and goes to investigate.

It’s rare to come across a film with so many obnoxious characters. Although many of them are annoying the female characters are bearable. It’s the guys that are the problem and none of them appear to have any redeeming features.

Jacqueline O’Kelly was fortunate enough to be cast as one of the more interesting characters. Trixie and Mary are not friends, but she has had prior experience with Brad and can tell Mary has had too much to drink so still tries to look out for her.

Monica Garcia Bradley’s character Mary comes across as strong and resourceful and is undoubtedly the star of the film. Unfortunately, due to the lack of character development, viewers don’t get an opportunity to know her. After a brief introduction, she spends most of the film fighting for her life.

Although I’m sure there is a market for this type of film, Guys at Parties Like It does not have enough meat on the bones so many viewers are likely to find it shallow, annoying, or offensive. It’s certainly a film that’s aimed more at guys than girls. Is it watchable? Yes and, for all its faults, the film has a decent ending even if most of the characters don’t get to live happily ever after.

If you want to watch it, you can stream Guys at Parties Like It free of charge via several streaming networks including Tubi, ScareNetwork, and Apple TV.