Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu – Introduction and List of Chapters

Carmilla is a novella by the Irish author Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (born in Dublin in 1814). His work was very popular in Victorian times and he has been called the father of the modern ghost story.
Often believed to be the first story to feature a lesbian vampire, Carmilla ranks among Le Fanu’s most famous horror stories and is believed to have influenced Bram Stoker during the writing of Dracula (1897).
Stoker’s short story “Dracula’s Guest” (a discarded chapter form Dracual), published two years after his death, pays an indirect compliment to Le Fanu by being set in one of the same locals referred to in Carmilla.
The Hammer Horror film The Vampire Lovers (1970), starring Ingrid Pitt, was also based on Le Fanu’s Carmilla vampire story, which remains immensly popular to this day